Sunday, June 1, 2008

The New Rule

It’s the old rule that mothers have to be nice
That professionals must be impersonal
That I have to live up to my potential
Use my brain instead of my heart
Use my brain instead of my body.

But the soul is fed by poetry, and
My brain wants to join the party of the soul
Dance with my feet
Feast with my eyes
And get to know the rest of me.

The new rule is that my soul is in charge
And my soul is something
Much more interesting than nice.


Bonnie Jacobs said...

I especially like "Much more interesting than nice." Yes!

You asked, "Is it cheating to post old stuff?" Nope, and people do it all the time. I'm glad you added this to Weekend Wordsmith. Thanks.

LA Nickers said...

"Much more interesting than nice."

Love it.


BELL CURVE, at Nickers and Ink

colleen said...

This is a rule I am vowing to follow. My comment to a reader in my post today talks about that.

It's nice to meet you, Ginnie. Bonnie is a good match maker and fellow word lover!